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“Yes, you need a spanking or yes, you want a spanking.”Gaden looked down at his feet, “Yes, I want a spanking.” He conceded.“I see. Well, I can certainly give you one.” Jan begin slapping the bath brush in her palm. “You ask for a real spanking, you are going to get one. We are going to get to know each other a lot more in the next five minutes, wouldn’t you say?” Gaden nodded, still looking at the ground. “When do you expect your sister to get home?”“Not for quite a while yet.” Gaden’s eyes quickly stole a nervous glance up at her then back to the ground again.“So we have plenty of time to take care of business.” She motioned her arm towards the direction behind him. “Well then, lead the way, let’s find me a good chair to sit in so I can give you a proper over the lap spanking.”“Um, sure.” Gaden started turned away, but Jan grabbed his arm halting him.“Oh, and Gaden.” He turned to meet her serious eyes. “You will address me as Ms. Tannersby for now on, understood?”“Sure. Okay.” He. One of the phones in the Storm house sounded its trill. Vikki answered it and hurried to her father. "It's one of the three members of the council who were cured last year. He says it's an emergency." Yes?" Henry answered the phone."We wish to return and join you," the now healed councilman said. "We have been expelled from the council because we asked questions the wise old men were loathe to answer. The council is split and the younger ones would like to join you if you agree. There are many others who wish to join also." If you are sincere, we welcome you with open arms," Henry told the man. "Why don't you all come down here and join us?" Are you serious?" the astonished voice asked. "You offer no objections?" Why no, why should we object to more willing hands to help us? We always need more help and with the way things are shaping up you will find yourselves quite busy."Three days later Ralph burst into the Ryan kitchen. "What do you want to do about them?" he asked.Looking up at.
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